Star Trek Wrath of Gems Wikia
Entellan Tenva
Event empty-of-the-mind

This page describes the Event called Empty of the Mind for TOS characters and starships. This Event features the Entellan race....

this event has started at the following dates:

Three versions[]

  • Blue = Easy
  • Yellow = Normal
  • Purple = Legendary

All three versions use the same storyline about an Entellan rebellion which is only discovered by Mister Spock using his mind-meld technique ; The storyline is split into 12 missions and 6 bonus missions. These 12+6 missions are further described by:

  • The storyline chart:
    • Summarizes the storyline and each mission's prize amounts.
    • For example, if there are 12-missions with 8-bonus-missions and each mission rewards 4 prizes; then the summary reads ?/20 and ?/80.
  • The enemies chart gives details (for each difficulty) of your opponents.
  • The scoring charts (one chart per difficulty-level):
    • Gives details of all the prizes (up to 4) that can be earned for each mission.
    • The points earned can also activate more prizes described later.



  • The English-translation for Challenge (Bonus) level-Titles is missing, the Spanish-word used is Desafio (iirc)...
  • On level 6.5, the Easy icons show 3 prizes, but there are actually 4 prizes...


  • Easy: ?/18 and ?/69
  • Normal: ?/18 and ?/66
  • Legendary: ?/18 and ?/66
Lvl #Mission TitleLvl Type C/D/SStoryline#E#N#L
1Unknown DamageDDuring a voyage, Scotty reports that the ship's hull was damaged in battle.444
2One WeekSSpock suggests reviewing the Enterprise's archives to determine when the damage occurred.444
3MysteryDAfter the battle, Kirk gathers the crew to try to find out what is going on with them.444
4Mind MeldCSpock offers to perform a mind meld, one by one, to try to get to the bottom of this.333
5KlingonSIn the conference room, Spock prepares to mind meld with Doctor McCoy.444
6BackupSBack on the Enterprise, it is Uhura's turn.444
7RebelsCSpock establishes a connection with Chekov, and we return to the planet Tronken-33.444
8TrickedCTataur leads the team to a trap in the hangar, but nothing is what it seems.333
9SabotageSIt is now Sulu's turn. The Klingons accuse the Enterprise of sabotaging the evacuation.444
10ConspiracyDSpock awakens after the explosion and is greeted by an unpleasant surprise.433
11AccusedDA Klingon ship appears and accuses them of manipulating their memories to avoid taking responsibility for what has happened on Tronken-33.444
12AnswersDThe crew receives an unexpected visit from Tenva.433
Lvl #Mission TitleLvl Type C/D/SStoryline#E#N#L


Enemy Difficulties per Series...


  • tbd...


Lvl #Mission TitleType C/D/SEasyNormalLegendaryEnemy(ies)
1Unknown DamageDLevel 28 wybrop-18/16/15/6/5/5Level 38 wybrop-24/21/20/7/6/6Level 58 wybrop-35/31/29/9/9/8T-2 Cmdr. Scott
2One WeekSLevel 29 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 39 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Early bop
Level 59 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
T-1 Klingon bop
2.5--BONUS--SLevel 31 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 41 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 61 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
T-2 D-7
3MysteryDLevel 30 boypwr-18/15/14/7/5/5Level 40 boypwr-23/19/18/8/6/6Level 60 boypwr-33/28/25/11/8/8T-2 Cmdr. McCoy
4Mind MeldCLvl-32 4y3r1p woybpr-20/18/13/6/6/5
Lvl-33 4r2w2o wbproy-20/19/17/6/6/6
Lvl-32 3y3p2r woybpr-20/18/13/6/6/5
Lvl-42 3y3r3p woybpr-25/22/17/7/7/7
Lvl-43 4w3r3o wbproy-25/24/21/7/7/7
Lvl-42 3y3r3p woybpr-25/22/17/7/7/7
Lvl-62 5p4r3y woybpr-36/32/23/10/9/9
Lvl-63 4o4r4w wbproy-35/33/30/10/9/9
Lvl-62 5p5y2r woybpr-36/32/23/10/9/9
T-2 Tolkir,
T-2 Tonak,
T-2 Tolkir
4.5--BONUS--SLevel 30 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 42 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 62 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
T-2 Early bop
5KlingonSLevel 33 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 42 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 63 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
T-2 K'Tinga
6BackupSLevel 34 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 44 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 64 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
T-2 Raptor
6.5--BONUS--CLvl-33 3p3b2y ypborw-19/17/15/6/6/5
Lvl-34 3o3p2b boprwy-20/18/16/6/6/5
Lvl-33 3y3b2p ypborw-19/17/15/6/6/5
Lvl-43 4y3p3b ypborw-24/21/19/7/7/6
Lvl-44 4b3o3p boprwy-25/22/19/8/7/6
Lvl-43 4p3y3b ypborw-24/21/19/7/7/6
Lvl-63 4b4y4p ypborw-34/30/27/10/9/8
Lvl-64 5p4o3b boprwy-35/31/27/10/9/8
Lvl-63 5y5p2b ypborw-34/30/27/10/9/8
T-2 Salt Vampire,
T-2 Horta,
T-2 Salt Vampire
7RebelsCLvl-34 3r3w2o wbproy-20/19/18/6/6/6
Lvl-35 3y3p2r woybpr-21/19/14/6/6/6
Lvl-34 4o3w1r wbproy-20/19/18/6/6/6
Lvl-44 4w4o2r wbproy-25/24/22/8/7/7
Lvl-45 4p3y3r woybpr-27/24/18/8/7/7
Lvl-44 5o4r1w wbproy-25/24/22/8/7/7
Lvl-64 4o4r4w wbproy-36/34/31/10/10/9
Lvl-65 5r4p3y woybpr-38/33/24/10/10/9
Lvl-64 5o4w3r wbproy-36/34/31/10/10/9
T-2 Tonak,
T-2 Tolkir,
T-2 Tonak
8TrickedCLvl-34 3y3p2r woybpr-21/19/14/6/6/6
Lvl-40 0o0p0b wobryp-23/22/17/7/7/7
Lvl-34 3w3o2r wbproy-20/19/18/6/6/6
Lvl-44 5y3r2p woybpr-26/23/17/8/7/7
Lvl-45 1o1p1b wobryp-26/24/19/8/8/7
Lvl-44 4o3r3w wbproy-25/24/22/8/7/7
Lvl-64 4p4r4y woybpr-37/33/24/10/10/9
Lvl-65 2o2p2b wobryp-36/34/27/11/10/10
Lvl-64 4o4r4w wbproy-36/34/31/10/10/9
T-2 Tolkir,
T-3 Tataur,
T-2 Tonak
8.5--BONUS--SLevel 35 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 45 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 65 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
T-2 Enterprise A
9SabotageSLevel 36 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 46 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 66 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
T-2 Early bop
10ConspiracyDLevel 40 rywbpo-23/22/17/7/7/7Level 46 rywbpo-26/25/20/8/8/7Level 66 rywbpo-37/34/27/11/10/10T-3 Tenva
10.5--BONUS--CLvl-36 3w3b2o owbrpy-24/21/17/7/6/6
Lvl-35 3o3w2p powryb-21/19/17/6/6/6
Lvl-36 3r3b2y wbproy-21/20/18/7/6/6
Lvl-46 4o3w3b owbrpy-30/26/21/8/7/7
Lvl-45 5p3o2w powryb-26/23/21/8/7/7
Lvl-46 5y4b1r wbproy-26/25/23/8/7/7
Lvl-66 4o4b4w owbrpy-43/36/30/10/10/9
Lvl-65 4p4o4w powryb-36/32/30/10/10/9
Lvl-66 4r4b4y wbproy-37/35/32/10/10/9
T-2 Arden,
T-2 Ruk,
T-2 Caped Alvaro
Level 38 bpyowr-23/20/14/7/6/6
Level 48 ybpowr-27/26/20/9/8/8Level 68 ybpowr-38/35/28/11/11/10T-3 Enemy-Kor
11.5--BONUS--SLevel 38 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 48 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
Level 68 c/w_0/0
no weapons
no crew
T-2 V-7
12AnswersDLevel 40 rywbpo-23/22/17/7/7/7Level 50 rywbpo-28/27/21/9/8/8Level 70 rywbpo-39/36/29/12/11/10T-3 Tenva
Lvl #Mission TitleType C/D/SEasyNormalLegendaryEnemy(ies)


an important issue concerning points: the Level-points listed below are the max-amount of points possible per-win... each time you play a specific-level, the points-you-can-earn to REplay that same-level drops by half - with a 1 hr timer attached... for fastest-play you can play the same level immediately 4 times in a row, but you would only earn 1.0 + 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125 = 1.875 times the points for your overall score... for best-points, you can play the same-level those same four times but with at least 1-hour wall-time gaps, and you would earn 4 times the points for overall score... Thus, you can earn more-than-double (4 vs. 1.9) the points by delaying your replays of a level...


  • obv. diffs - characters... and TOS-v-TNG
    • b-6.5/ 4-easy-prizes not 3-shown-dots
  • diffs from missing...
    • b-2.5 / e3 (1, not 3); h2 (tng-char, not tos)
    • backup/ h1 (blue, not red)
    • b-6.5 / h3+4 (750+750, not 500+100)
    • conspiracy/ e2 (2, not 1)
    • b-10.5 / h3 (600, not 850)
    • b-11.5 / h3 (weap, not yellow)
    • answers/ e4 (red, not blue); m3 (red, not weap); h3+4 chgd...
    • not as many rows --> missing last causes readjustments...



Mission #Mission PointsTotal # Prizes1st Win Prize2nd Win Prize3rd Win Prize4th Win Prize
1254 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
2504 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 3 Health-crew [red‑cross] Repair-Health 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
2.5754 Hvaid Batahr 1 Health-crew [red‑cross] Repair-Health 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
31004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 25 Coins [gold] Currency-coin
41253 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 FixUp-ship [wrench] Repair-Wrench -> [[]] 1 T-1 TOS Romulan SO/RBP Romulan bop Romulan bop
4.51504 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums Batahr 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
51754 Optio [[]] 1 Weapons Klingon TOS Shield Cell (red) S2 tos klingon shield cell 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue
62004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 25 Coins [gold] Currency-coin [[]] 1 Weapons Federation TOS Shield Cell (blue) S2 tos federation shield cell
6.52254 2 FixUp-ship [wrench] Repair-Wrench 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
72504 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums Lt. Alvaro 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue
82753 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 2 FixUp-ship [wrench] Repair-Wrench -> [[]] 1 T-1 TOS Klingon SO/KBP Klingon bop Klingon bop
8.53004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue
93254 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 50 Coins [gold] Currency-coin
103504 [[]] 1 Weapons Klingon TOS Shield Cell (red) S2 tos klingon shield cell 2 FixUp-ship [wrench] Repair-Wrench 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 50 Coins [gold] Currency-coin
10.53754 3 Health-crew [red‑cross] Repair-Health 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 Weapons Federation TOS Shield Cell (blue) S2 tos federation shield cell
114004 Mister Spock 3 Health-crew [red‑cross] Repair-Health 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
11.54253 [[]] 1 T-1 TOS Romulan SO/RBP Romulan bop Romulan bop <- 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 50 Coins [gold] Currency-coin
124504 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 2 FixUp-ship [wrench] Repair-Wrench 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red
Mission #Mission PointsTotal # Prizes1st Win Prize2nd Win Prize3rd Win Prize4th Win Prize


Mission #Mission PointsTotal # Prizes1st Win Prize2nd Win Prize3rd Win Prize4th Win Prize
1504 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
21004 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 Weapons Romulan TOS Phase Cannon G2 tos romulan phase cannon 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
2.51504 Hvaid Batahr 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
32004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums Lt. Uhura 100 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
42503 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 Weapons Federation TOS Phaser G2 tos federation phaser -> [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Klingon SO/KKT K'Tinga Ktinga
4.53004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums Captain Kirk 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
53504 Hvaid [[]] 1 Weapons Klingon TOS Laser G2 tos klingon laser 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue
64004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 100 Coins [gold] Currency-coins [[]] 1 Weapons Federation TOS Phaser G2 tos federation phaser
6.54503 [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Klingon SO/KR Raptor Raptor <- 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
75004 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums Lt. Alvaro 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue
85503 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 Weapons Romulan TOS Phase Cannon G2 tos romulan phase cannon -> [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Romulan SO/RD7 D-7 D-7
8.56004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums Doctor McCoy 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue
96504 550 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 550 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 100 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
107003 [[]] 1 Weapons Klingon TOS Laser G2 tos klingon laser [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Federation SO/ENA Enterprise A Enterprise A <- 100 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
10.57504 [[]] 1 Weapons Romulan TOS Phase Cannon G2 tos romulan phase cannon 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red 600 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 Weapons Federation TOS Phaser G2 tos federation phaser
118004 Caped Alvaro Pilus Prior 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 600 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
11.58503 [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Klingon SO/KEB Early bop Early bop <- 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red 125 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
129003 600 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red -> [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Klingon SO/KR Raptor Raptor
Mission #Mission PointsTotal # Prizes1st Win Prize2nd Win Prize3rd Win Prize4th Win Prize


Mission #Mission PointsTotal # Prizes1st Win Prize2nd Win Prize3rd Win Prize4th Win Prize
1754 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
21504 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 Weapons Romulan TOS Quantum Torpedo R3 tos romulan quantum torpedo 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
2.52254 Hvaid Terrhea 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
33004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums Cmdr. Scott 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
43753 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 Weapons Federation TOS Photon Torpedo R3 tos federation photon torpedo -> [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Romulan SO/RD7 D-7 D-7
4.54504 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums Admiral Kirk 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
55254 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue [[]] 1 Weapons Klingon TOS Plasma Torpedo R3 tos klingon plasma torpedo 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue
66004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins [[]] 1 Weapons Federation TOS Photon Torpedo R3 tos federation photon torpedo
6.56753 [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Klingon SO/KR Raptor Raptor <- 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
77504 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red
88253 [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Klingon SO/KEB Early bop Early bop <- 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
8.59004 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 800 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red
99754 750 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red 850 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
1010503 [[]] 1 Weapons Klingon TOS Plasma Torpedo R3 tos klingon plasma torpedo [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Klingon SO/KEB Early bop Early bop <- 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
10.511254 [[]] 1 Weapons Romulan TOS Quantum Torpedo R3 tos romulan quantum torpedo 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red 600 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums [[]] 1 Weapons Federation TOS Photon Torpedo R3 tos federation photon torpedo
1112004 Caped Alvaro Arden 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 950 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
11.512753 [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Romulan SO/RV7 V-7 V-7 <- [[]] 1 Weapons Klingon TOS Plasma Torpedo R3 tos klingon plasma torpedo 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
1213503 950 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums -> [[]] 1 T-2 TOS Klingon SO/KEB Early bop Early bop [[]] 1 10‑Pack [yellow] Pack-yellow
Mission #Mission PointsTotal # Prizes1st Win Prize2nd Win Prize3rd Win Prize4th Win Prize

Overall Prizes[]

Each version has a series of overall prizes that can be earned as you accumulate the points for each level-win... These are documented in the bottom-area under Rewards... There is a second item in this bottom-area for Ranking, however I have never really been able to effect much difference here because there are so many people playing the game and so many team-members that make-up an Alliance...

Each version also has a mind-meld series of prizes that you can claim that is represented by the thermometer-bar at the top of the level-listing... Once that bar has reached the full (RHS) status, you can click on the mind-meld icon and accept them... BEWARE that you can currently only mind-meld with one-set of prizes, i think... idk - there is something subtle going on with it - so i now choose to mind-meld with the LEGENDARY series, since those have the highest-level prizes... at one point, i DID choose a different series because i wanted a specific prize (character or starship) that only it contained...

Common Objectives[]

these mind meld prizes are gained thru all the players combining scores...




these prizes are solo efforts, by accumulating points in each series...


Baseline score for winning all the levels once is 4275 points. Full score for earning all the level-prizes using 1 hr skips between wins per level is 17,100 points. Need to repeat higher-scoring levels to reach the last two reward levels...


Full score for earning all the level-prizes using 1 hr skips between wins per level is 34,200 points. Need to repeat higher-scoring levels to reach the last three reward levels...


Full score for earning all the level-prizes using 1 hr skips between wins per level is 51,300 points. Need to repeat higher-scoring levels to reach the last five reward levels...


  • points:
    • easy row-18/19 increased from missing...
    • medium and hard increased in ALL rows...
  • rewards:
    • normal changes from missing, except...
    • TNG (not TOS) ship in med-18


Row #Easy PointsEasy RewardsNormal PointsNormal RewardsLegendary PointsLegendary Rewards
1100 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 250 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue 450 1 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue
2300 150 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithium 750 300 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 1350 600 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
3600 2 FixUp-ship [wrench] Repair-Wrench 1500 4 FixUp-ship [wrench] Repair-Wrench 2700 8 FixUp-ship [wrench] Repair-Wrench
41000 5 Health-crew [red‑cross] Repair-Health 2500 10 Health-crew [red‑cross] Repair-Health 4500 20 Health-crew [red‑cross] Repair-Health
51500 15 Coins [gold] Currency-coin 3750 25 Coins [gold] Currency-coin 6750 50 Coins [gold] Currency-coin
62100 1 T-1 Ensign Chekov 5250 1 T-1 Mister Spock 9450 1 T-2 Legatus
72800 200 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithium 7000 400 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 12600 800 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
83600 1 T-1 Mister Scott 9000 1 T-1 Captain Kirk 16200 1 T-2 Inagh
94500 250 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 11250 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 20250 1,000 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
105500 45 Coins [gold] Currency-coin 13750 75 Coins [gold] Currency-coin 24750 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
116600 500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 16500 1,000 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 29700 2,000 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
127800 2 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue2 19500 3 1‑Pack [blue] Pack-blue2 35100 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red
139100 1,000 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 22750 2,000 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 40950 4,000 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
1410500 75 Coins [gold] Currency-coin 26250 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins 47250 300 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
1512000 1,500 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 30000 3,000 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums 54000 6,000 Dilithium [purple] Currency-dilithiums
1613600 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red 34000 1 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red 61200 2 5‑Pack [red] Pack-red2
1715300 150 Coins [gold] Currency-coins 43000 300 Coins [gold] Currency-coins 80000 600 Coins [gold] Currency-coins
1818000 1 [[]] 1 T-1 TOS Romulan SO/RBP Romulan bop Romulan bop 50000 1 [[]] 1 T-2 TNG Cardassian SN/CG Galor Galor 100000 2 T-2 Horta
1922000 1 T-2 Tonak 62000 1 T-2 Tolkir 144000 2 T-3 Tataur
Row #Easy PointsEasy RewardsNormal PointsNormal RewardsLegendary PointsLegendary Rewards


there are two-sets of ranking-prizes, the solo efforts (labelled Players) and the team efforts (labelled Alliances). during gameplay you can look at your scores in both areas/tabs and try to improve your ranking, but generally there are so many other players involved that these prizes seem less likely to be changed or achieved through your own efforts...

at the top of the sub-screen, you will see a star-ranking of both YOU and your team... the subtitle for these prizes are Rewards by position:


  • EASY note: all prizes are the same, just the characters are different...
  • NORMAL note: all prizes are the same, just the characters are different...
  • LEGENDARY note: all prizes are the same, just the characters are different...
    • no extra chars in row-2 (PLUS-stuff) --> equiv to missing...



Positions Solo PlayersRewards earned SoloPositions Team AlliancesRewards earned Team
1 - 21 T-2 Tonak PLUS rewards from previous rank1 - 21 T-2 Horta PLUS rewards from previous rank
3 - 103 blue‑packs, 2500 dilithium, 150 coins, 8 heals, and 3 repairs3 - 53 blue‑packs, 1225 dilithium, 75 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs
11 - 201 T-1 Mister Spock , 2000 dilithium, 100 coins, 8 heals, and 3 repairs6 - 101 T-1 Mister Spock , 1000 dilithium, 50 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs
21 - 501 T-1 Lt. Uhura , 1500 dilithium, 90 coins, 6 heals, and 3 repairs11 - 201 T-1 Lt. Alvaro , 750 dilithium, 50 coins, 3 heals, and 1 repairs
51 - 1002 blue‑packs, 1250 dilithium, 75 coins, 6 heals, and 3 repairs21 - 352 blue‑packs, 750 dilithium, 40 coins, 3 heals, and 1 repairs
101 - 1501 blue‑packs, 1000 dilithium, 50 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs36 - 501 blue‑packs, 500 dilithium, 25 coins, 3 heals, and 1 repairs
151 - 3001 blue‑packs, 750 dilithium, 50 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs51 - 701 blue‑packs, 375 dilithium, 25 coins, 3 heals, and 1 repairs
301 - 8001 T-1 Mister Scott , 650 dilithium, 25 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs71 - 901 T-1 Batahr , 350 dilithium, 15 coins, 3 heals, and 1 repairs
801 - 10001 T-1 Ensign Chekov , 500 dilithium, 15 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs91 - 1201 T-1 Optio , 250 dilithium, 5 coins, 3 heals, and 1 repairs
1001 - 20001 blue‑packs, 350 dilithium, 3 heals, and 1 repairs121 - 150175 dilithium
2,001 - 5,0001 blue‑packs, 250 dilithium, 3 heals, and 1 repairs151 - 200150 dilithium
5,001 - 10,000150 dilithium, 3 heals, and 1 repairs201 - 100075 dilithium
lower than 10,000-nothing-lower than 1000-nothing-
Positions Solo PlayersRewards earned SoloPositions Team AlliancesRewards earned Team


Positions Solo PlayersRewards earned SoloPositions Team AlliancesRewards earned Team
1 - 21 T-2 Tolkir PLUS rewards from previous rank1 - 21 T-2 Salt Vampire PLUS rewards from previous rank
3 - 101 red‑packs, 5000 dilithium, 300 coins, 15 heals, and 6 repairs3 - 51 red‑packs, 2500 dilithium, 150 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs
11 - 201 T-2 Horta , 4000 dilithium, 200 coins, 15 heals, and 6 repairs6 - 101 T-2 Inagh , 2000 dilithium, 100 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs
21 - 501 T-1 Mister Spock , 3000 dilithium, 175 coins, 12 heals, and 5 repairs11 - 201 T-1 Mister Spock , 1500 dilithium, 90 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs
51 - 1003 blue‑packs, 2500 dilithium, 150 coins, 12 heals, and 5 repairs21 - 353 blue‑packs, 1275 dilithium, 75 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs
101 - 1502 blue‑packs, 2000 dilithium, 100 coins, 9 heals, and 4 repairs36 - 502 blue‑packs, 1000 dilithium, 50 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs
151 - 3002 blue‑packs, 1500 dilithium, 75 coins, 9 heals, and 4 repairs51 - 701 blue‑packs, 750 dilithium, 50 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs
301 - 8002 T-1 Mister Scott , 1225 dilithium, 50 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs71 - 901 T-1 Batahr , 650 dilithium, 25 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs
801 - 10001 T-1 Ensign Chekov , 1000 dilithium, 25 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs91 - 1201 T-1 Hvaid , 500 dilithium, 15 coins, 4 heals, and 1 repairs
1001 - 20002 blue‑packs, 750 dilithium, 7 heals, and 2 repairs121 - 150350 dilithium
2,001 - 5,0002 blue‑packs, 500 dilithium, 7 heals, and 2 repairs151 - 200250 dilithium
5,001 - 10,000250 dilithium, 6 heals, and 1 repairs201 - 1000150 dilithium
lower than 10,000-nothing-lower than 1000-nothing-
Positions Solo PlayersRewards earned SoloPositions Team AlliancesRewards earned Team


Positions Solo PlayersRewards earned SoloPositions Team AlliancesRewards earned Team
1 - 21 T-3 Tenva PLUS rewards from previous rank1 - 21 T-3 S'Fangudl PLUS rewards from previous rank
3 - 101 yellow‑packs, 10000 dilithium, 600 coins, 25 heals, and 12 repairs3 - 51 red‑packs, 5000 dilithium, 300 coins, 12 heals, and 4 repairs
11 - 202 T-2 Ruk , 8000 dilithium, 400 coins, 27 heals, and 12 repairs6 - 101 T-2 Salt Vampire , 4000 dilithium, 200 coins, 12 heals, and 4 repairs
21 - 501 T-2 Salt Vampire , 6000 dilithium, 300 coins, 21 heals, and 10 repairs11 - 201 T-2 Horta , 3000 dilithium, 175 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs
51 - 1002 red‑packs, 5000 dilithium, 300 coins, 21 heals, and 10 repairs21 - 354 blue‑packs, 2500 dilithium, 150 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs
101 - 1501 red‑packs, 4000 dilithium, 200 coins, 18 heals, and 8 repairs36 - 503 blue‑packs, 2000 dilithium, 100 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs
151 - 3001 red‑packs, 3000 dilithium, 150 coins, 18 heals, and 8 repairs51 - 702 blue‑packs, 1500 dilithium, 75 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs
301 - 8002 T-2 Legatus , 2500 dilithium, 100 coins, 18 heals, and 6 repairs71 - 901 T-2 Inagh , 1225 dilithium, 50 coins, 9 heals, and 3 repairs
801 - 10001 T-2 Legatus , 2000 dilithium, 50 coins, 18 heals, and 6 repairs91 - 1201 T-2 Ameh , 1000 dilithium, 25 coins, 6 heals, and 2 repairs
1001 - 20004 blue‑packs, 1500 dilithium, 14 heals, and 4 repairs121 - 150750 dilithium
2,001 - 5,0004 blue‑packs, 1000 dilithium, 14 heals, and 4 repairs151 - 200500 dilithium
5,001 - 10,000500 dilithium, 12 heals, and 2 repairs201 - 1000250 dilithium
lower than 10,000-nothing-lower than 1000-nothing-
Positions Solo PlayersRewards earned SoloPositions Team AlliancesRewards earned Team