Star Trek Wrath of Gems Wikia

Cmdr. Leonard McCoy is a Tier 2 item that is only playable from the TOS-side of the game.

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Skills Tables/Updates[]

Skill Number 1 is called Bad Medicine.

Its color is Blue. Blue

110McCoy uses his medical background to poison the enemy in 100 for 3 turns and steal 4 purple APs.
211McCoy uses his medical background to poison the enemy in 150 for 3 turns and steal 5 purple APs.
312McCoy uses his medical background to poison the enemy in 170 for 4 turns and steal 6 purple APs.
413McCoy uses his medical background to poison the enemy in 225 for 5 turns and steal 7 purple APs.
514McCoy uses his medical background to poison the enemy in 300 for 3 turns and steal 8 purple APs.

Skill Number 2 is called Surgical Precision.

Its color is Purple. Purple

110Restores 150 life points for entire team and eliminates all of the enemy's special gems. Adds 3defensive gems that protect against 25 damage.
211Restores 175 life points for entire team and eliminates all of the enemy's special gems. Adds 4defensive gems that protect against 15 damage.
312Restores 225 life points for entire team and eliminates all of the enemy's special gems. Adds 3defensive gems that protect against 35 damage.
413Restores 280 life points for entire team and eliminates all of the enemy's special gems. Adds 4defensive gems that protect against 30 damage.
514Restores 350 life points for entire team and eliminates all of the enemy's special gems. Adds 4defensive gems that protect against 40 damage.

Skill Number 3 is called Doctor's Orders.

Its color is Orange. Orange

112McCoy uses his defensive power and causes 35 points damage for each purple gem that's on the board.
213McCoy uses his defensive power and causes 45 points damage for each purple gem that's on the board.
314McCoy uses his defensive power and causes 55 points damage for each purple gem that's on the board.
415McCoy uses his defensive power and causes 65 points damage for each purple gem that's on the board.
516McCoy uses his defensive power and causes 80 points damage for each purple gem that's on the board.

Section heading[]

Here is all the info i currently have stored in the data-file... {"gorder":"BOYPRW","xnpc":"yes","datavalues":{"dv6":3,"dv5":3,"dv4":4,"dv3":6,"dv2":6,"dv1":8},"hp":281,"aliases":"Doctor Leonard McCoy","image":"Doctor Leonard McCoy.png","limit":95,"tier":2,"othersUpgrades":{"up10":{"currentlevel":50,"gorder":"BOYPRW","aw":"+7","datavalues":{"dv6":7,"dv5":7,"dv4":9,"dv3":22,"dv2":24,"dv1":28},"skillschosen":"5b4p1o","ar":"+6","hp":1241,"ag":"+6"},"up15":{"currentlevel":95,"gorder":"BOYPRW","aw":"+13","datavalues":{"dv6":11,"dv5":12,"dv4":15,"dv3":39,"dv2":43,"dv1":50},"skillschosen":"5b5p5o","ar":"+10","hp":2321,"ag":"+11"}},"lmax":12,"aenu":"Ally","ag":"+2","lmin":10,"imagecaption":"Cmdr. Leonard McCoy","ar":"+2","series":"TOS","gender":"Male","race":"Human","currentlevel":10,"igp":"mccoy","skillsUpgrades":{"supgr3":{"desc3":{"v1":55},"cost3":14,"desc1":{"v1":170,"v2":4,"v3":6},"desc2":{"v1":225,"v2":3,"v3":35},"cost2":12,"cost1":12},"supgr5":{"desc3":{"v1":80},"cost3":16,"desc1":{"v1":300,"v2":3,"v3":8},"desc2":{"v1":350,"v2":4,"v3":40},"cost2":14,"cost1":14},"supgr2":{"desc3":{"v1":45},"cost3":13,"desc1":{"v1":150,"v3":5},"desc2":{"v1":175,"v2":4,"v3":15},"cost2":11,"cost1":11},"supgr4":{"desc3":{"v1":65},"cost3":15,"desc1":{"v1":225,"v2":5,"v3":7},"desc2":{"v1":280,"v2":4,"v3":30},"cost2":13,"cost1":13}},"name":"Cmdr. McCoy","aw":"+2","sdate":"2015-01-01","skills":{"cost3":12,"cost1":10,"skill2":"Surgical Precision","color1":"Blue","color2":"Purple","cost2":10,"desc1":{"t2":" for ","v1":100,"v2":3,"t1":"McCoy uses his medical background to poison the enemy in ","t3":" turns and steal ","v3":4,"t4":" purple APs."},"desc2":{"t2":" life points for entire team and eliminates all of the enemy's special gems. Adds ","v1":150,"v2":3,"t1":"Restores ","t3":"defensive gems that protect against ","v3":25,"t4":" damage."},"skill1":"Bad Medicine","desc3":{"t2":" points damage for each purple gem that's on the board.","v1":35,"t1":"McCoy uses his defensive power and causes "},"color3":"Orange","skill3":"Doctor's Orders"},"nup":15,"govt":"Federation"}
