Star Trek Wrath of Gems Wikia

Veau Bruna is a Tier 3 item that is only playable from the TNG-side of the game.

Read more about this topic on the Memory-Alpha Wikia.



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Skills Tables/Updates[]

Skill Number 1 is called Unerring Claws.

Its color is Red. Red

110Throws his knives inflicting 100 damage to the enemy and breaking an area of 3x3 on the board.
210Throws his knives inflicting 150 damage to the enemy and breaking an area of 3x3 on the board.
310Throws his knives inflicting 200 damage to the enemy and breaking an area of 3x3 on the board.
410Throws his knives inflicting 270 damage to the enemy and breaking an area of 3x3 on the board.
510Throws his knives inflicting 320 damage to the enemy and breaking an area of 3x3 on the board.

Skill Number 2 is called Organic Weakening.

Its color is Orange. Orange

113Places 2 gems of 2 turns that steal 2 energy.
213Places 2 gems of 3 turns that steal 3 energy.
313Places 3 gems of 3 turns that steal 4 energy.
413Places 3 gems of 4 turns that steal 5 energy.
513Places 4 gems of 5 turns that steal 6 energy.

Skill Number 3 is called Gaseous Camouflage.

Its color is Purple. Purple

112Changes 2 random gems to blue. Also adds a defensive gem of 40 points.
212Changes 3 random gems to blue. Also adds a defensive gem of 70 points.
312Changes 4 random gems to blue. Also adds a defensive gem of 100 points.
412Changes 5 random gems to blue. Also adds a defensive gem of 120 points.
512Changes 6 random gems to blue. Also adds a defensive gem of 140 points.

Section heading[]

Here is all the info i currently have stored in the data-file... {"gorder":"BYRPOW","xnpc":"yes","datavalues":{"dv6":7,"dv5":8,"dv4":8,"dv3":18,"dv2":22,"dv1":22},"hp":898,"aliases":"Bruna, Veau","image":"bruna.png","limit":165,"tier":3,"othersUpgrades":{"up03":{"currentlevel":50,"gorder":"BYRPOW","aw":"+5","datavalues":{"dv6":8,"dv5":9,"dv4":10,"dv3":22,"dv2":27,"dv1":27},"skillschosen":"1r1o1p","ar":"+6","hp":1108,"ag":"+6"},"up09":{"currentlevel":96,"gorder":"BYRPOW","aw":"+10","datavalues":{"dv6":14,"dv5":16,"dv4":17,"dv3":40,"dv2":49,"dv1":50},"skillschosen":"5r2o2p","ar":"+11","hp":2074,"ag":"+12"},"up15XXX":{"currentlevel":165,"gorder":"BYRPOW","aw":"+24","datavalues":{"dv6":35,"dv5":35,"dv4":35,"dv3":93,"dv2":94,"dv1":95},"skillschosen":"5r5o5p","ar":"+24","hp":2500,"ag":"+24"}},"lmax":42,"aenu":"Ally","ag":"+5","lmin":40,"imagecaption":"Veau Bruna","ar":"+5","series":"TNG","gender":"Female","race":"Veau","currentlevel":40,"igp":"veau_bruna","skillsUpgrades":{"supgr3":{"desc3":{"v2":100,"v1":4},"desc1":{"v1":200},"desc2":{"v1":3,"v2":3,"v3":4}},"supgr5":{"desc3":{"v2":140,"v1":6},"desc1":{"v1":320},"desc2":{"v1":4,"v2":5,"v3":6}},"supgr2":{"desc3":{"v2":70,"v1":3},"desc1":{"v1":150},"desc2":{"v2":3,"v3":3}},"supgr4":{"desc3":{"v2":120,"v1":5},"desc1":{"v1":270},"desc2":{"v1":3,"v2":4,"v3":5}}},"name":"Bruna","aw":"+4","sdate":"2018-05-16","skills":{"cost3":12,"cost1":10,"skill2":"Organic Weakening","color1":"Red","color2":"Orange","cost2":13,"desc1":{"t2":" damage to the enemy and breaking an area of 3x3 on the board.","v1":100,"t1":"Throws his knives inflicting "},"desc2":{"t2":" gems of ","v1":2,"v2":2,"t1":"Places ","t3":" turns that steal ","v3":2,"t4":" energy."},"skill1":"Unerring Claws","desc3":{"t2":" random gems to blue. Also adds a defensive gem of ","v1":2,"v2":40,"t1":"Changes ","t3":" points."},"color3":"Purple","skill3":"Gaseous Camouflage"},"nup":15,"govt":"Alien"}
