Star Trek Wrath of Gems Wikia

Doctor Beverly Crusher is a Tier 1 item that is only playable from the TNG-side of the game.

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Skills Tables/Updates[]

Skill Number 1 is called Heal and Freeze.

Its color is Purple. Purple

19Heals a selected character with 35 points and paraluzes enemies during 1 turn.
29Heals a selected character with 52 points and paraluzes enemies during 1 turn.
39Heals a selected character with 78 points and paraluzes enemies during 2 turns.
49Heals a selected character with 102 points and paraluzes enemies during 2 turns.
59Heals a selected character with 148 points and paraluzes enemies during 3 turns.

Skill Number 2 is called Heal All.

Its color is Yellow. Yellow

112Heals team with 10% life and adds a yellow counter of 4 turns that steals 2 purple AP from the enemy reserve when used up.
212Heals team with 15% life and adds a yellow counter of 4 turns that steals 2 purple AP from the enemy reserve when used up.
312Heals team with 20% life and adds a yellow counter of 4 turns that steals 3 purple AP from the enemy reserve when used up.
412Heals team with 25% life and adds a yellow counter of 4 turns that steals 3 purple AP from the enemy reserve when used up.
512Heals team with 35% life and adds a yellow counter of 4 turns that steals 4 purple AP from the enemy reserve when used up.

Skill Number 3 is called Red Protection.

Its color is Red. Red

1passiveIf player has less than 20% of life, adds a red protection gem with 15 defensive points.
2passiveIf player has less than 20% of life, adds a red protection gem with 23 defensive points.
3passiveIf player has less than 20% of life, adds a red protection gem with 36 defensive points.
4passiveIf player has less than 20% of life, adds a red protection gem with 42 defensive points.
5passiveIf player has less than 20% of life, adds a red protection gem with 49 defensive points.

Section heading[]

Here is all the info i currently have stored in the data-file... {"gorder":"ROWBPY","xnpc":"yes","datavalues":{"dv6":2,"dv5":2,"dv4":2,"dv3":2,"dv2":3,"dv1":3},"hp":70,"aliases":"Beverly, Doctor Crusher, Beverly Crusher","image":"Beverly Crusher.png","limit":50,"tier":1,"othersUpgrades":{"up10":{"currentlevel":50,"gorder":"ROWBPY","aw":"+6","datavalues":{"dv6":7,"dv5":8,"dv4":8,"dv3":23,"dv2":28,"dv1":28},"skillschosen":"3p5y2r","ar":"+7","hp":805,"ag":"+6"}},"lmax":3,"aenu":"Ally","ag":"+1","lmin":1,"imagecaption":"Dr. Beverly Crusher","ar":"+0","series":"TNG","gender":"Female","race":"Human","currentlevel":1,"igp":"beverly","skillsUpgrades":{"supgr3":{"desc3":{"v2":36},"desc1":{"v1":78,"v2":2,"t3":" turns."},"desc2":{"v1":20,"v3":3}},"supgr5":{"desc3":{"v2":49},"desc1":{"v1":148,"v2":3,"t3":" turns."},"desc2":{"v1":35,"v3":4}},"supgr2":{"desc3":{"v2":23},"desc1":{"v1":52},"desc2":{"v1":15}},"supgr4":{"desc3":{"v2":42},"desc1":{"v1":102,"v2":2,"t3":" turns."},"desc2":{"v1":25,"v3":3}}},"name":"Dr. Beverly Crusher","aw":"+1","sdate":"2015-01-01","skills":{"cost3":"passive","cost1":9,"skill2":"Heal All","color1":"Purple","color2":"Yellow","cost2":12,"desc1":{"t2":" points and paraluzes enemies during ","v1":35,"v2":1,"t1":"Heals a selected character with ","t3":" turn."},"desc2":{"t2":"% life and adds a yellow counter of ","v1":10,"v2":4,"t1":"Heals team with ","t3":" turns that steals ","v3":2,"t4":" purple AP from the enemy reserve when used up."},"skill1":"Heal and Freeze","desc3":{"t2":"% of life, adds a red protection gem with ","v1":20,"v2":15,"t1":"If player has less than ","t3":" defensive points."},"color3":"Red","skill3":"Red Protection"},"nup":10,"govt":"Federation"}
